professionals with significant juridical luggage and forensics experience
The office Terras Coelho Advogados is a law firm focused on the most varied branches of law, acting preventively and on ligation across the country, which allows the efficient monitoring of demands outside the State.
The company born by the union of professionals with significant juridical luggage and forensics experience, we always honour our tradition, which focus overwhelmingly to the dynamism, discretion and dedication to customers, who are mainly our greatest asset and we are absolutely keen to preserve them.
With a highly qualify team, our professionals have academic backgrounds in each specific field of expertise, making the office being recognise for the excellence of services and exclusive dedication to the interests of each client.
We also have one of the biggest differential of the present time, which is the digital technology infrastructure embedded in the implementation of the recent Electronic Judicial Process, created by Law 11.419/2006, covering the entire national territory.
Know the sectors that we work
Jurisdictions and territoriality of legal issues within the Internet;
Collection of evidences;
Preservation of evidences;
Electronic documents as evidence;
Privacy and new technologies;
Freedom of expression and electronic media;
Cryptography, electronic certification and digital signatures;
Electronic declaration of will;
E-business and applicable law;
Electronic contracts;
Legal issues of Internet Banking and Mobile Payment;
Legal structuring of new technological products;
Regulation of biometrics and video surveillance controls;
Preparation and negotiation of agreements and contracts of licensing rights of intellectual and industrial property, technology transfer, technical and scientific assistance; registrations and approvals of contracts; disputes in case of trademark and patents counterfeiting;
Legal status of the protection of computer programs;
Contracts use license, commercialization and software transfer;
Contracts held with third parties responsible for the development and customization of software and systems;
Records with the INPI;
Investigations of the use of software licenses, contracts of technology transfer and related instruments;
Evaluation of administrative and judicial tax in technology and software processes;
Digital copyright protection;
Industrial property (trademarks and patents) and unfair competition;
Judicial and administrative litigation in general.
Assistance in civil and commercial relationships;
Credit recovery – execution and clearance credits;
Judicial recovery and Bankruptcy;
Civil liability (subjective and objective, including environmental);
Compensations for torts;
Diffuse, collective and individual homogeneous rights – consumer and properties and con-generous values rights;
Building condominium and allotments;
Administrative and judicial litigation in all spheres;
Arbitration and other alternative forms of dispute resolution;
Lease and eviction;
Possession and dispossession;
Property and usucaption;
Loan, donation and acknowledgement of debt;
Bail, pledge and other guarantees.
Consultancy related to labour routines;
Acting in the administrative and judicial and audiences litigation;
Assistance in collective bargaining;
Preparation and review of employment contracts;
Advice on hiring foreign employee and obtaining visa;
Statutory audit;
Prevention and acting on labour disputes, individuals and collectives;
Labour claims;
Administrative processes with the regional labour offices;
Ministry of labour and employment;
Civil public action filed by regional labour attorney’s office.
Criminal litigation in general;
Police Surveys and investigative procedures before the competent bodies;
Strategic planning within other areas in order to prevent criminal issues;
Crimes against the national financial system;
Money Laundering;
Crimes against tax and economic order;
Crimes against consumption relations;
Crimes against immaterial property (intellectual and industrial property);
Crimes against the environment, bankruptcy and electoral;
Crimes of responsibility;
Electronic Crimes.
Prenuptial pact marriage regimes;
Preparation of cohabitation pact;
Bodies separation;
Consensual and litigation separation and divorce;
Annulment and judicial reconciliation of marriage;
Conversion of legal separation into divorce;
Recognition judicial dissolution of stable union;
Enrolment and an blocking of goods;
Application for adoption;
Request, review, execution and exoneration of food;
Provision of food;
Custody and visitation of minors;
Search and seizure of minors;
Investigation of paternity;
Judicial permission for selling of minor good;
Guardianship, trusteeship and respective accountability;
Inventory, enrolment and court order;
Succession planning.
Assistance in the consumerists relationships;
Liability / Defence Interests of the Company in the passive and active actions whenever there is a consume relationship;
Assistance in the administrative procedures in progress within the Procon;
Monitoring / audience / defence;
Procedural monitoring derived from assessment notices coming from Procon;
Consulting on all matters involving consume relations;
Development of opinions to formalize contracts involving consumer law;
Audit / Due diligence in companies to decrease the inventory/ passive, arising from lawsuits filed by consumers;
Guidance for resolving conflicts between companies and their consumers, through arbitration and other alternative means.
Formation and structuring of companies, associations and foundations ;
Obtaining permits for foreign companies, associations and foundations operating in the country;
Corporate reorganizations;
Assistance on the structuring of companies;
Controversial solutions among partners.
Download the online version of our presentation folder
Sócios, advogados e paralegais
Do you have questions? Talk to our lawyers.
55 (11) 2857-5072
• São Paulo
Rua Barão do Triunfo | 427 | 4º andar | Salas 404/406
Brooklin Paulista | São Paulo – SP
CEP 04602-001 | BR |
Unidades Credenciadas
Terras Coelho Advogados possui unidades credenciadas em todas as capitais e principais cidades do País.